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WITECH | Entrepreneurship for Women in Tech

25/10/2022 @ 17:00 - 18:00

Date: 25 October 5 PM

Location:  Politecnico di Milano, Aula De Carli – Via Giovanni Durando 10

Also in streaming

The WITECH conference is organized by Politecnico di Milano and PoliHub, the startup accelerator of PoliMI. The event, part of a project funded by the European Union, is dedicated to women, entrepreneurship and technology.

The conference, held in English, will host keynotes and panels, which will see as protagonists men and women from different fields, such as startups, universities, public administration, education. Various issues will be addressed, such as STEM education programs dedicated to girls, how Diversity & Inclusion is addressed in large corporations, the experience of female startup founders, policies and actions conducted by institutions to promote female empowerment.


Moderator Barbara Gasperini

16.30-17.00 Check-in & Welcome coffee

17.00-17.15 Introduction and presentation of Witech Program

with Enrico Deluchi CEO PoliHub

with Cristina Rossi Lamastra President of the “Comitato Unico di Garanzia, Politecnico di Milano

17.15 – 17.35 Plans, actions and policies to empower women to study and pursue a STEM career

with Alessia Cappello, Councilor for Economic Development and Labor Policies, Municipality of Milan

17.35-17.45 Diversity e inclusion in Politecnico

Cristina Rossi Lamastra President of the “Comitato Unico di Garanzia”, Politecnico di Milano

17.45-18.05 STEM & Entrepreneurship

with Alessandra Accogli CEO & Founder, Sinergy

with Vincenzo Butticè Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurial Finance

18.05-18.30 Break

18.30 – 18.50 The Importance of Network

with Alessandra Lomonaco La carica delle 101

with Stefania Quaini Angels4Women

18.50 – 19.10 Conversation – Women as a Growth Driver

with Claudia Manzi Professor of Social Psychology, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

with Monica Poggio, CEO, Bayer Italia and Vice-President of Assolombarda

19.10 – 19.30 STEM Education

with Ulrike Sauerwald, Research & Knowledge Management, Valore D

with Roberta Russo, Head of the Industry 4.0 Enabling Technologies commission, Associazione Donne 4.0

19.30-19.45 Keynote

Valeria Cagnina, Co-Founder e Mentor di OFpassiON


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17:00 - 18:00
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